Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lowry Park Zoo! Five Dollar Day!

© Spellbound Images by Wendy - All Rights Reserved

I created this image at Lowry Park Zoo on Sunday in Tampa. If you've ever been out to Lowry Park you know it's a pretty nice zoo, with the exception that in the summer it is sooo hot most of the animals hide in their shelters to get some relief from the exhausting heat!

It was $5.00 day, and I had to chuckle as I fought the crowd of frustrated parents, and crying children as I entertained the idea that “Humans are the only animals dumb enough to be out in this heat!” Yet there we all were taking advantage of the cheap admission along with the distant parking, the jam-packed attractions, and the debilitating sun!

In my life time this was my second visit to the zoo. If you read my last post concerning the Lowry Park Zoo you know that I had a great time and captured some nice images, even though it was as hot then as it was this past Sunday. It was mid week, there were very few people there, and far less cranky children! The price for admittance was about $21.00, and on both days that did not include any rides. I'm tellin ya... there were people coming in by the bus loads! I talked to one mom with 5 little girls who not only paid $30.00 for all of their admissions, but then also paid $18.00 for each of the children to have an arm band so they could enjoy the rides. Only to find out she had spent $18.00 for one child that was too small to go on most of the rides. Not to mention she also had to rent a stroller large enough to get a few of them around! Something not right about that! Anyone who knows me knows that I am the Queen of dealing with kids... I have several of my own, and a few strays, plus 7 grandchildren. In fact I took my two teenagers on this little excursion. Not so bad for teenagers... they have been to the zoo several times and know their way around, so it wasn't like I was dragging them along, or pushing them in a stroller. So here is my thought... why not drop the regular price of entree... forget about the crazy $5.00 day... therefor attracting more people to the zoo all year round?

I think the best part of my visit was petting the sting ray (who are just as cute as all get out), because for a few moments you can delight in the placement of your hand or hands in some nice cool water! I literally wanted to stick my head in the pool with them! We arrived about 10:30 and by 2:00 I just couldn't take anymore! We had packed a picnic lunch of sandwiches, soda, water, and snacks, but then had to park so far away that we decided if we're going to make the trek back to the car to eat, we may as well head home. By the time we walked the distance, heat exhaustion would have been inevitable and we would not have made it back. I swear most of the Tampa Police Dept. was on duty to direct traffic (I'm sure the blazing sun was getting to them too)!

Now I'm sure the zoo brought in a lot of revenue on five dollar day... and I'm sure it helps take care of all the beautiful creatures that reside in it's realm, but I believe they should rethink their strategy on the $5.00 day and attract more folks all year round! I'm sorry for the negative remarks, but I hope someone from the zoo finds this blog, and gives it some serious consideration.

As always,

Love, Laughs, and Photographs,

All images captured with the Olympus E500 on Lexar Digital media with the Zuiko 14-54 wide angle zoom, and the Zuiko 40-150 zoom lenses.

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