Monday, June 6, 2011

Enjoying the Memorial Day Weekend With the Mendez Family!

© Spellbound Images by Wendy - All Rights Reserved

Last weekend I met with the Mendez family on Clearwater beach. A couple days prior, Ana, the mother, and wife, of this great looking group called me with an unusual and kinda funny story. It seems that her and her husband George were married on Sandkey beach on Memorial day weekend 5 years ago… now I don’t know if any of you have attempted to get to Clearwater beach on Memorial day, during Spring break, or any other holiday for that matter… It is no easy task! You can plan on sitting in traffic for hours, and when you do get to the other side of the causeway… good luck with that parking space, or even a place to rest your butt once you do get to the sand! As it turns out Ana never made it to her wedding! Therefore never got any beautiful sunset photos on her wedding day. So this is what we set out to accomplish when we met.

Our appointment was for 7:30, I left the house at 6:15, (and I’m only 15 minutes from the beach), by the time I hit the round about (which is another real pain about Clearwater beach, because the tourists don’t know how to work a round about), Ana was calling to say she was already at our designated meeting spot. Neither one of us was going to be late! We started shooting in the dunes around 6:45 and spent more time there than I usually do on any normal session. After we had exhausted every pose and grouping we could think of we made our way to the water. The sun had come down enough to get those nice sunset shots she was hoping for.

This family was not only beautiful on the outside… they were just as lovely on the inside. We talked about the beach, family, astrology signs, and raising children, all the while getting some great shots. I assured her that teenage boys will eventually grow up to love each other… give them a few years. George and Ana’s little girl was as sweet as could be, and her brothers were very attentive to her needs. It was definitely one of the nicest and easiest sessions I’ve had in a long time.

Ana and George did eventually get married that day… their archway was moved to their reception venue, and a quick ceremony was preformed. Even though last weekend wasn’t actually their wedding, people were walking by congratulating them… and now they will have their sunset photo’s to cherish and enjoy for many years to come!

Love, Laughs, and Photographs,

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