Saturday, June 25, 2011

Indian Shores Beach With the Powers Family!

© Spellbound Images by Wendy - All Rights Reserved

It's been a busy couple of weeks for me, between school, beach sessions and editing.  Although this post will not be filled with information on my experience with the Powers family it will have some nice photo's and some thoughts about beach portraits.

I was called to two different beach locations last week, and even though I was a little out of my element, it was nice to mix it up some.  I love doing beach portraits and have been for over 5 years now... however, sometimes I think "wouldn't it be nice to shoot in the mountains, or even the desert?"  Just a different setting would be nice... but alas, I am "The Clearwater Beach Photographer."  Please don't get me wrong... I love Clearwater Beach, and I absolutely love all the great families I meet there!  So... going to the rock jetty at Sand Key Beach, and Indian Shores Beach last week was a welcome change! 

Sometimes our skies in Florida are pretty plain... Oh we do get some nice dramatic skies, but those are usually just before or after a storm.  As a photographer those skies are sometimes what we pray for, even when it's a close call on our session schedule.  When we have to shoot a sky with no texture it's kind of a bummer, but we still capture the memories and fun times on the beach.


Every now and then we come across a few beach images that just scream for a black and white conversion!  If you're a photographer... you'll know it when you see it!  Even though the photo above had beautiful beach colors... I love the black and white version!


Sunsets are great for back light... just be sure to use your fill light so you don't end up with a silhouette... unless of course you going for a silhouette! :)

If you can get your subject to stand still on the shoreline long enough for a wave to come in it gives your photo more texture, dimension, and character... it doesn't always happen, especially with little ones, but give it a try.  It's not as easy as you think, since you have to watch for facial expressions, where the wind is blowing things, and the waves all at the same time... but it does make for a nicer shot.

Get out there and enjoy the natural backdrops that are available to you!

Love, Laughs, and Photographs,


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